Studio d'arte dell'artista /
artista PIERO GENTILINI Art studio artist
Piero Gentilini
Acquarelli, pittura, murales, sculture, scenografie, disegni, grafica, stampe /
artista PIERO GENTILINI Watercolors, painting, murals, sculptures, scenography, drawings, graphics, prints

Galleria opere / Works (Stampe opere digitali / Prints digital works)


Opere digitali figurative / Figurative digital works

Info e prezzi / Info and prices | indietro / back | prec. / prev. | pross. / next


opere digitali di piero gentilininserire qui il contenuto per id "quadro"
Opera unica.

I prezzi, gli stessi applicati presso lo studio,
costo opera, stampa, certificazione e ricevuta fiscale.

Titolo: Treno

Formato 70 x 100 + bordo 8 cm -
prezzo: bordo bianco naturale € 3400,
prezzo: bordo colorato € 3420.
(da stampare su richiesta)

Vedi sempi di stampa su carta e tela

stampe opere digitali di Piero Gentilini .............................................

Simple translation into English of the prices and sizes of the works at the time, sold only in Italy.
For contacts from outside Italy will need to assess the tax aspects for the artist.

Single work.

The prices, the same applied in the study,
operating cost, printing, certification and receipt.

Title: Treno

(print on canvas or other media on request).

Format: 70 x 100 + board 8 cm -
price: natural white border € 3400,
Price: colored border € 3420.
(to be printed on request)

See examples of printing on canvas